Le nuove Linee Guida alla Direttiva Macchine Ed. 2.1
Guide to application of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC – Edition 2.1
This Update to the 2nd Edition of the Guide, further named Edition 2.1, has been completed to include the amendments made to the Machinery Directive by the Directive 2009/127/EC on Pesticide Equipment and the Regulation (EU) No 167/2013 on the approval and market surveillance of agricultural and forestry vehicles (Tractors). In addition, guidance on “partly completed machinery” and “assemblies” has been added, as well as inserting clarifications and corrections to the concepts of “safety components”, “new and used machinery”, “marking of machinery”. A number of key guidance decisions of the Machinery Working Group have been incorporated into this text.
Scarica le nuove linee Guida alla direttiva Macchine Ed. 2.1